Emily Jensen - BNatMed (Dist.), BSc HumNut & SpExSc, CertAppSc.
Hey, I’m Emily.
I’m a degree qualified nutritionist, naturopath and medical herbalist from Auckland, New Zealand.
I approach health holistically, and use a combination of nutrition, lifestyle, herbal medicine and supplementation to treat the root cause of your symptoms. It’s about getting to the bottom of what is happening for you in your body, not just slapping on a band-aid for temporary relief.
I truely believe that the body has an amazing ability to heal itself, and if we listen to it and nourish it accordingly, we can restore our body to optimal health and overall wellbeing.
While I have a natural approach, everything I offer is evidence based. I'm not going to put you on any crazy restrictive diet and I'm not going to give you any unrealistic advice. I understand that you’re unique - your health, your lifestyle, and your beliefs. I will work with you to create an individualised health and nutrition programme to suit your goals and needs, helping you each step along the way to total wellbeing.
I can help with things like PCOS, acne, painful periods, fertility issues and those TTC, thyroid health, insomnia, stress, anxiety, IBS, eczema, psoriasis, weight management and more.
Apply to work with Emily here or book a consultation with one of our team members online now.
For a full list of services and pricing, click here.